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Topographic Data


Topography of Central Andes Area (35° to 15° S, 80° to 50° W)


Topographic Altitude of Central Andes


data: topographic altitude (m) 30 arc-second (geograph. degrees) or 1 km grid spacing (UTM projection)
geogr. location: longitude: from 72° to 62°W; latitude : from 31.5° to 18.5°S
data type: grid data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 5.2 MByte
example from data file (projection: UTM (Hayford Ellipsoid, zone 19):

1001 1421
.2000000000E+06 .1200000000E+07
.6500000000E+07 .7920000000E+07
1 6681
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999

download: file
source: USGS, EROS Data Center, 1996, http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/gttopo30/gtopo30.html
publications: Bliss & Olsen (1996), Defense Mapping Agency (1992), Hutchison, M.F. (1988, 1989, 1991); for further information see file: andes_30_dem2.doc
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: extraction from BIL image, September 1997



Topography / Bathymetry of Central Andes Area


data: x,y - location (geogr. degree), altitude (m) (2min distance)
geogr. location: longitude: from 80° to 50°W; latitude: from 35° to 15°S
data type: point data
file format: ASCII
file size: 2.7 MByte
example from data file:

-79.9830 -15.0087 -4518.
-79.9500 -15.0087 -4584.
-79.9170 -15.0087 -4672.
-79.8830 -15.0087 -4752.
-79.8500 -15.0087 -4796.

download: file
source: Smith, W. H. F. & Sandwell,D. T. (1994, 1997) (ocean data), http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/gtopo30/gtopo30.html (land data), available via anonymous ftp at ftp://topex.ucsd.edu/pub/global_topo_2min/ (version 6.2), included in database Dec 1997.
correlated information: global_topo_2min-info.html, http://topex.ucsd.edu/marine_topo/mar_topo.html
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: extracted from original binary file


Topography / Bathymetry of Central Andes Area


data: bathymetry from Smith & Sandwell, topographic altitude from USGS (m), 2min grid spacing
geogr. location: longitude: from 80° to 50°W; latitude: from 35° to 15°S
data type: grid data
file format: ASCII
file size: 1.8 MByte
example from data file:

901 601
-.8000000000E+02 -.5000000000E+02
-.3500000000E+02 -.1500000000E+02
-8031.74 6200.69
-3916.89 -3926.35 -3951.04 -3983.88 -4012.52 -4014.70 -3983.57 -3928.54 -3868.41 -3835.50
-3837.55 -3864.45 -3892.17 -3899.16 -3877.88 -3827.00 -3824.32 -3863.07 -3862.33 -3876.62
-3915.35 -3924.06 -3883.49 -3816.04 -3756.27 -3736.86 -3781.48 -3870.20 -3971.68 -4057.06

download: file
source: Smith, W. H. F. & Sandwell,D. T. (1994, 1997) (ocean data), http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/gtopo30/gtopo30.html (land data), available via anonymous ftp at ftp://topex.ucsd.edu/pub/global_topo_2min/ (version 6.2), included in database Dec 1997.
correlated information: global_topo_2min-info.html, http://topex.ucsd.edu/marine_topo/mar_topo.html
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: extracted from original binary file (andes_topo_2min.dat), interpolated on a regular grid



Topography / Bathymetry of Central Andes


data: topographic/bathymetric altitude (m)
geogr. location: longitude: from 80° to 54°W; latitude: from 34° to 12°S
data type: grid data, grid spacing: 2 min.
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 2.3 MByte
example from data file (projection: UTM (Hayford Ellipsoid, a=6378.137, 1/f=298.257 with meridian -69°)):

735 738
-0.5167160E+06 0.1928437E+07
0.6183676E+07 0.8639826E+07
-0.7966839E+04 0.6098249E+04
-0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21
-0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21
-0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21

download: file
source: Sandwell Satellitealtimeter Dataset (S. Krause 1999)


Topographic Altitude of Central Andes


data: topographic altitude (m) from Isacks, 1988
geogr. location: longitude: from 80° to 62.0° W; latitude: from 36.0° to 12.0° S
data type: grid data, grid size: 0.05° x 0.05°
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 126 KByte
example from data file (geogr. coordinates):

C Isacks, Cornell University
C Digital Topography Central Andes
C Digitized mainly from ONC 1:1 Mio.
C Point data, not mean elevations (9999 indicates missing data)
360 480
-80.00 -62.05
-35.95 -12.00
-8107 7101
9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999
9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999

download: file
source: Isacks, Cornell University, Department of Geological Sciences, Snee Hall, Cornell University Ithaca, NY (ftp ://silver.geo.cornell.edu/pub/sam_topo)
publications: Isacks, B.L. (1988)
correlated information: http://www.geo.cornell.edu/geology/cap/Samtopo.html
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: original data in kilofeet, recalculated to meters



Topographic Altitude of Central Andes


data: topographic altitude (m)
geogr. location: longitude: from 72.1° to 63.5°W; latitude: from 28.0° to 19.1°S
data type: grid data, grid size: 5000 x 5000 m
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 127 KByte
example from data file (projection: UTM (Hayford Ellipsoid, a=6378.137, 1/f=298.257 with meridian -69°)):

177 197
200000.00 1080000.00
6900000.00 7880000.00
-8066.68 6406.75
-6506.74 -6322.15 -6167.63 -5468.19 -5088.41 -4661.62 -4215.09 -3738.92 -3435.79 -3109.90
-2896.43 -2707.64 -2399.57 -2077.49 -1830.21 -1509.46 -1070.08 -596.64 -97.22 251.43

download: file
source: Isacks, Cornell University (original data grid size: 3' x 3')
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: regridded to 5 x 5 km grid by AG Gravimetrie (FU Berlin)
publications: Isacks, B.L. (1988)
correlated information: http://www.geo.cornell.edu/geology/cap/Samtopo.html


Topographic Altitude of Central Andes


data: topographic altitude (m)
geogr. location: longitude: from 100.0° to 20.0°W; latitude: from 60.0° to 20.0°S
data type: grid data, grid size 5' x 5'
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 1.5 MByte
example from data file (geogr. coord.):

960 960
-99.95833 -20.04167
-59.95833 19.95833
-8237 5486
-5210 -5223 -5231 -5239 -5240 -5239 -5227 -5211 -5193 -5162 -5124 -5083
-5044 -5013 -4998 -4987 -4974 -4964 -4957 -4951 -4944 -4935 -4926 -4915

download: file
source: H. Sünkel (TU Graz), extract from file tug87 (chapter 3.1.2)


Topographic Altitude of Central Andes


data: topographic altitude (m)
geogr. location: longitude: from 80° to 58°W; latitude: from 34° to 12°S
data type: grid data, grid spacing: 30 sec.
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 18 MByte
example from data file: (UTM Projection)

2355 2911
-0.5186500E+06 0.1483054E+07
0.6183146E+07 0.8657754E+07
0.1000000E+01 0.6670095E+04
-0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04
-0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04
-0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04

download: file
source: USGS Gtopo30 Grid (S.Krause 1999)


Topographic / Bathymetric Altitude of Central and South Andes


data: topographic/bathymetric altitude (m)
geogr. location: longitude: from 81° to 55°W; latitude: from 49° to 14°S
data type: grid data, grid spacing: 2 min.
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 2.9 MByte
example from data file: (UTM Projection)

565 1183
-0.3950000E+06 0.1485000E+07
0.4455000E+07 0.8395000E+07
-0.7885000E+04 0.6033635E+04
-0.3985000E+04 -0.4063000E+04 -0.4063000E+04 -0.4070000E+04 -0.4100000E+04
-0.4166000E+04 -0.4188000E+04 -0.4198000E+04 -0.4138000E+04 -0.4110000E+04
-0.4117000E+04 -0.4090000E+04 -0.4114000E+04 -0.4152000E+04 -0.4032000E+04

download: file
source: USGS Gtopo30 Grid (S.Krause 1999)


Bathymetric Data from CINCA, SO-104/1

data: bathymetric depths [m], approx. 200 m grid spacing (geogr. coord.)
geogr. location: longitude: from 70.0° to 71.8°W; latitude: from 22.0° to 24.1°S
data type: grid data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 3.6 MByte
example from data file:

C Bathymetric Dataset from CINCA-Campaign, R/V SONNE Cruise SO-104/1
C Provided by W. Weinrebe / R. von Huene (Geomar)
C 71.77 - 70.0 W and 24.08 - 16.69S
C Spacing approx. 200 m
891 1041
-0.71779999E+02 -0.70000000E+02
-0.24080000E+02 -0.22000000E+02
-0.82674697E+04 0.16694100E-03
-0.5119940E+04 -0.5128190E+04 -0.5144700E+04 -0.5167680E+04 -0.5161830E+04
-0.5143700E+04 -0.5134160E+04 -0.5099970E+04 -0.5070080E+04 -0.5046650E+04

download: file
source: W. Weinrebe / R. von Huene (Geomar), submitted to the database: Dec. 1998 by M. Kösters



Topographic Altitude of Northern Part of Praeandine Depression


data: topographic altitude (m), 50 m grid spacing (UTM projection)
geogr. location: longitude: from 69° to 68.5° W; latitude : from 21.75° to 21° S
data type: grid data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 2.2 MByte
example from data file (projection: UTM (International Ellipsoid with meridian -69°)):

1070 1664
.4997260000E+06 .5531760000E+06
.7594695500E+07 .7677845500E+07
773 6022
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999

download: file
source: digitized and processed by Irena Bido, digitized from 6 different 1:50,000 maps (Section B, Maps 6,7,14,15,23,34, Northern Part of Praeandine Depression), submitted to the database: Nov. 96
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: generated and processed in ARC/INFO (topogrid), input: contour lines, elevation points, drainage lines


Topographic Altitude of South America


data: topographic altitude (m), 0.05 deg grid spacing, (geograph. degrees, datum: WGS84)
geogr. location: longitude: from 85° to 30°W; latitude: from 60°S to 12°N
data type: grid data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 1.1 MByte
example from data file:

1140 1440
-.8497500000E+02 -.2802499924E+02
-.5997500000E+02 .1197500458E+02
1 6407
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999

download: file
source: USGS, EROS Data Center, 1996, http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/gttopo30/gtopo30.html
publications: Bliss & Olsen (1996), Defense Mapping Agency (1992), Hutchison, M.F. (1988, 1989, 1991); for further information see file: andes_30_dem2.doc
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: extraction from 4 different BIL image, reduction of grid size to 0.05 degree cell spacing, November 1997



Topographic Altitude of South Andes


data: topographic altitude (m)
geogr. location: longitude: from 82° to 57°W; latitude: from 50° to 34°S
data type: grid data, grid spacing: 30 sec.
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 15.3 MByte
example from data file: (UTM Projection)

2641 2729
-0.4302950E+06 0.1332275E+07
0.4379292E+07 0.6200592E+07
0.1000000E+01 0.5098328E+04
-0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04
-0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04
-0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04 -0.9999000E+04

download: file
source: USGS Gtopo30 Grid (S.Krause 1999)


Topographic Altitude of South America


data: topographic altitude (m), 5 minute grid spacing, (geograph. degrees), including ocean depth
geogr. location: longitude: from 95° to 30°W; latitude: from 65°S to 20°N
data type: grid data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 2.6 MByte
example from data file:

781 1021
-.9500000000E+02 -.3000000000E+02
-.6500000000E+02 .2000000000E+02
-8103 5486
-4717 -4716 -4714 -4712 -4710 -4706 -4700 -4699 -4690 -4682 -4671 -4656 -4650 - 4643 -4646
-4643 -4630 -4599 -4592 -4450 -4025 -4012 -3103 -3096 -2910 -2903 -2837 -3077 - 3084 -3545
-3841 -4121 -4019 -4026 -4035 -4585 -4592 -4586 -4574 -4530 -4528 -4462 -4510 - 4497 -4422
-4441 -4103 -3976 -4145 -3947 -3925 -3195 -2866 -2833 -3012 -3653 -2833 -2764 - 2707 -2347

download: file
source: NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/global/seltopo.html
reference: ETOPO5: NOAA, National Geophysical Data Center, 1988 , TBASE: Lee W. Row, III and David Hastings, National Geophysical Data Center and World Center-A for Solid Earth Geophysics, Boulder, Colorado U.S.A.




Marine Trackline Bathymetry of South America


data: location (geogr. degree), depth (m)
geogr. location: longitude: from 90° to 60°W; latitude: from 60° to 15°S
data type: point data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 5.1 MByte
example from data file:

C Space delimited XYZ Format: lat, lon, depth
1 1
-89.99750 -10.51420 -4390.0
-89.98470 -10.51110 -4467.0
-89.97200 -10.50800 -4517.0
-89.95920 -10.50490 -4333.0
-89.94650 -10.50190 -4199.0

download: file
source: NOAA, U.S. National Geophysical Data Center, NGDC's GEODAS Marine Trackline Geophysics database (Ver. 3.3) , integrated in database Feb. 1998.
correlated information: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/geodas/trkdas.html, http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/mggonline.html



Topographic Altitude of Southern SA


data: topographic altitude (m) 30 arc-second (geograph. degrees, Datum WGS84)
geogr. location: longitude: from 6° to 50°W; latitude : from 58° to 34°S
data type: grid data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 5 MByte
example from data file:

3120 2880
-.7599583310E+02 -.5000416440E+02
-.5799583577E+02 -.3400416707E+02
1 5220
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999

download: file
source: USGS, EROS Data Center, 1996, http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/gttopo30/gtopo30.html, Version Sept. 1997
publications: Bliss & Olsen (1996), Defense Mapping Agency (1992), Hutchison, M.F. (1988, 1989, 1991); for further information see file: andes_30_dem2.doc
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: extraction from BIL image, included in the database Apr. 1998



Marine Trackline Bathymetry of South America, Patagonia


data: location (geogr. degree), depth (m)
geogr. location: longitude: from 90° to 55°W, latitude: from 60° to 28° S
data type: point data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 59 KByte
example from data file:

C Space delimited XYZ Format: lat, lon, corrected depth in meters
C Downloading only records containing:
C Bathymetry 2-way Travel Time
C Bathymetry Corrected Depth
C Output Single File with all Survey Data
1 1
-66.43057 -55.95143 -222.0
-66.44500 -55.96090 -217.0
-66.45822 -55.97075 -213.0
-66.47239 -55.98056 -207.0

download: file
source: NOAA, U.S. National Geophysical Data Center, NGDC's GEODAS Marine Trackline Geophysics database (data added since Ver. 3.3), available via anonymous ftp: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/gdas/gd_cri.Html , integrated in database Jan. 1998
correlated information: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/geodas/trkdas.html, http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/mggonline.html


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Stand: 19.12.2006