data: station number, location (geogr. degree), location (UTM, Hayford Ellipsoid, a=6378.137, 1/f=298.257, -69°), elevation above sea level (m), observed gravity referred to IGSN71 (mGal), terrain corr. (onshore) ( =2.67 g/cm3) (mGal), mass corr. (offshore) (rho=1.64 g/cm3) (mGal), free Air Anomaly (mGal), Bouguer Anomaly (mGal) (Int. grav. formula 1967)
geogr. location: Central Andes, South America
data type: point data (12103 data points)
file format: ASCII- files
file size: 515 KByte)
example from data file:
20101,-70.18517,-22.05383,377700,7560707,65.50,978792.15,14.61,2.80, 66.79, 62.17
20102,-70.19267,-22.01700,376894,7564779,98.50,978777.69,12.27,3.15, 62.48, 54.47
download: file
source: gravity working group, FU Berlin [angrav.dat: IfGGG, FU Berlin, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986; Bureau Gravimetrique Intl.; Toulouse, 1974; IGM Bolivia, La Paz, 1974; YPF Bolivia, Santa Cruz, 1965-74; Inst. de Geodesia, Univ. de Buenos Aires, 1973; YPF Buenos Aires, 1977 , migra_93.dat: FU Berlin, Chile 1993 , migra_94.dat: FU Berlin, Chile/Argentina 1994, migra_96.dat: FU Berlin, Chile/Argentina 1996, grav_*.dat: Codelco, 1993 (Gerd Behn), Empresa Nacional del Petroleo, 1993 (Manuel Araneda), Sernageomin, Chile 1996, R/V SONNE Cruise SO-104/1 (CINCA, BGR (C. Reichert, Prof. Hinz))]
publications: Götze, H.-J. et al. (1996), Götze, H.-J. et al. (1994), Götze, H.-J. et al. (1990), Kösters, M. et al. (accepted), Sandwell, D.T. & Schmidt, W.H.F. (1992),
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: AG Gravimetrie (FU Berlin), standard processing
data: station number, location (geogr. degree), depth, terrain correction, mass correction, Free Air Anomaly, Bouguer Anomaly (FA combined with satellite FA, only were depth is available)
geogr. location: longitude: from 95.4° to 70.0°W; latitude: from 38.0° to 15.0°S
data type: point data (26748 data points)
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 443 KByte
example from data file:
26748 1
0 -82.05000 -15.00870 -3506.55 0.00 330.47 -13.00 317.47
0 -81.91700 -15.00870 -2803.49 0.00 330.66 -11.80 318.86
0 -81.78300 -15.00870 -2802.80 0.00 330.55 -11.20 319.35
0 -81.65000 -15.00870 -2802.80 0.00 329.95 -13.80 316.15
download: file
source: NOAA, U.S. National Geophysical Data Center, NGDC's GEODAS Marine Trackline Geophysics database
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: recalculated by M. Kösters, submitted to the database Dec. 1998
data: location (geogr. degree), observed gravity
geogr. location: longitude: from 90° to 60°W; latitude: from 60° to 15°S
data type: point data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 2.9 MByte
example from data file (noaa-gravobs.dat):
C Space delimited XYZ Format: lat, lon, obs. grav.
1 1
-68.78050 -56.94128 981563.9
-68.78431 -56.94231 981564.8
-68.78812 -56.94333 981565.9
-68.79193 -56.94435 981566.4
download: file
source: NOAA, U.S. National Geophysical Data Center, NGDC's GEODAS Marine Trackline Geophysics database (Ver. 3.3), integrated in database Feb 1998.
correlated information:,
data: location (geogr. degree), observed gravity (mgals) (or FA)
geogr. location: longitude: from 90° to 55°W; latitude: from 60° to 28°S
data type: point data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 98 KByte
example from data file (noaa-gravobs.dat):
C Space delimited XYZ Format: lat, lon, observed gravity in mgals
C Downloading only records containing:
C Gravity Observed
C Output Single File with all Survey Data
1 1
-68.78050 -56.94128 981563.9
-68.78431 -56.94231 981564.8
-68.78812 -56.94333 981565.9
-68.79193 -56.94435 981566.4
download: file
source: NOAA, U.S. National Geophysical Data Center, NGDC's GEODAS Marine Trackline Geophysics database (data added since Ver. 3.3), available via anonymous ftp: , integrated in database Jan 1998.
correlated information:,
data: station number, location (geogr. degree, UTM (zone 19, Hayford Ellipsoid), FA (mgal)
geogr. location: longitude: from 70° to 77 (80)°W; latitude: from 18° to 52°S
data type: point data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 3.3 MByte
example from data file:
C Free Air Anomaly from Sandwell & Smith, extracted from Satellite altimetry
C in the Pacific west of Southern Chile
C from -31 to -52S and -80 to -70W
C source: anonymous ftp server
C Columns: station #, geograph. coordinates (W, S), UTM coordinates (zone 19, Hayford ell.), FA
76419, -79.9830, -31.0141, -551421., 6516462., , , , , -12.600,0
76420, -79.9500, -31.0141, -548243., 6516779., , , , , -15.400,0
76421, -79.9170, -31.0141, -545066., 6517095., , , , , -17.000,0
76422, -79.8830, -31.0141, -541794., 6517420., , , , , -18.600,0
download: file
source: anonymous ftp server; Sandwell & Smith, integrated in the database 1998 and April 1999.
references: Sandwell, D.T. & Schmidt, W.H.F. (1992); Sandwell, D.T. & Schmidt, W.H.F. (1995); Sandwell, D.T. & Schmidt, W.H.F. (1997)
data: gridded Free Air anomaly
geogr. location: longitude: from 77° to 62°W ; latitude: from 30° to 19°S
data type: grid data, grid size: 5000 x 5000 m
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 286 KByte
example from data file (projection: UTM (Hayford Ellipsoid, a=6378.137, 1/f=298.257 with meridian -69°)):
C FA Anomaly on land, FA-Anomaly from Scripps & CINCA data on sea
C (units:mgal)
C November 1996 (contributed by M.Koesters, interpolated with INTERP
C Minimum Curvature, radius of influence: 100km)
297 231
-0.3000000E+06 0.1180000E+07
0.6700000E+07 0.7850000E+07
-0.2595038E+03 0.3065586E+03
-0.6284680E+01 -0.6077610E+01 -0.5770690E+01 -0.5165190E+01 -0.4005000E+01
-0.2142540E+01 0.1854600E+00 0.2200000E+01 0.4031540E+01 0.4571840E+01
0.4226390E+01 0.4069630E+01 0.5000000E+01 0.6549990E+01 0.8000000E+01
download: file
source: gravity data described above (chapter incl. Scripps Inst. of Oceangraphy data offshore
publications: Götze, H.-J. et al. (1996), Götze, H.-J. et al. (1994), Götze, H.-J. et al. (1990), Kösters, M. et al. (accepted), Sandwell, D.T. & Schmidt, W.H.F. (1992), update included in the database Nov 96
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: standard processing, grid interpolation method: Mininimum Curvitare, interpolation radius: 100 km, clipped on land for missing data with station distance > 30km
data: gridded residual anomaly based on Bouguer anomaly and topography
geogr. location: longitude: from 77° to 62°W; latitude: from 30° to 19°S
data type: grid data, grid size: 5000 x 5000 m
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 338 KByte
example from data file (projection: UTM (Hayford Ellipsoid, a=6378.137, 1/f=298.257 with meridian -69°)):
C ISOSTATIC RESIDUAL ANOMALY, modelled after Vening-Meinesz
C (mgal)
C September 1997 (contributed by M.Koesters)
C Vening-Meinesz model: densiy difference:0.35 g/cm**3,
C normal crustal thickness: 35 km
C rigidity: 1E23 Nm
C missing data is indicated by -0.9999000E+21 (station distance > 30 km341 231
-0.3000000E+06 0.1400000E+07
0.6700000E+07 0.7850000E+07
-0.1301317E+03 0.1735283E+03
0.1435608E+02 0.1398129E+02 0.1391830E+02 0.1441519E+02 0.1556802E+02
0.1749890E+02 0.1986169E+02 0.2155441E+02 0.2289581E+02 0.2293430E+02
0.2190588E+02 0.2068127E+02 0.2031390E+02 0.2098560E+02 0.2113461E+02
download: file
source: gravity data described above (chapter
publications: Götze, H.-J. et al. (1996), Götze, H.-J. et al. (1994), Götze, H.-J. et al. (1990), Kösters, M. et al. (accepted), update included in the database Sep 97
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: modelled after Vening-Meinesz (density diff: 0.35 g/cm3, normal crustal thickness: 35 km, rigidity: 1023 Nm)
data: gridded residual anomaly based on Bouguer anomaly and topography
geogr. location: longitude: from 77° to 62°W; latitude: from 30° to 19°S
data type: grid data, grid size: 5000 x 5000 m
file format: ASCII- file
file size: ???
example from data file:
C clipped on land for missing data with station distance >30 km
C (.9999E+21 indicates missing value)
275 264
-0.2100000E+06 0.1160000E+07
0.6640000E+07 0.7955000E+07
-0.4645972E+03 0.2121563E+03
-0.1099007E+03 -0.1165484E+03 -0.1246571E+03 -0.1342075E+03 -0.1429105E+03
-0.1488467E+03 -0.1542286E+03 -0.1610284E+03 -0.1674997E+03 -0.1727870E+03
-0.1782161E+03 -0.1858051E+03 -0.1939224E+03 -0.2006282E+03 -0.2069142E+03
download: file
source: AG Gravity, FU Berlin (SFB 267, TP D3)
publications: Götze, H.-J. et al. (1996), Götze, H.-J. et al. (1994), Götze, H.-J. et al. (1990), Kösters, M. et al. (accepted), update included in the database Sep 97
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: modelled after Vening-Meinesz (density diff: 0.5 g/cm3, normal crustal thickness: 40 km, rigidity: 1023 Nm)
data: gridded residual anomaly based on Bouguer anomaly and topography
geogr. location: longitude: from 81° to 61°W; latitude: from 49° to 35°S
data type: grid data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: ???
example from data file:
C Isostatische Residualschwere der Südanden. Berechnet aus dem Bouguer-
C schweregitter und der Topographie, mit einer normalen Plattendicke von
C 30km. UTM-Projektion, erstellt 02/1999 S.Krause.
320 320
-0.3950000E+06 0.1200000E+07
0.4505000E+07 0.6100000E+07
-0.3169026E+03 0.1136702E+03
-0.1457146E+03 -0.1439800E+03 -0.1478395E+03 -0.1568738E+03 -0.1644646E+03
-0.1653925E+03 -0.1688405E+03 -0.1729914E+03 -0.1796300E+03 -0.1901409E+03
-0.2001110E+03 -0.2055284E+03 -0.2129826E+03 -0.2232634E+03 -0.2263631E+03
download: fle
source: AG Gravity, FU Berlin
data: gridded Bouguer anomaly
geogr. location: longitude: from 69.5° to 66.6°W; latitude: from 21.6° to 15.5°S
data type: grid data, grid size: 1000 x 1000 m
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 356 KByte
example from data file (projection: UTM (Hayford Ellipsoid, a=6378.137, 1/f=298.257 with meridian -69°)):
309 681
452000.00 760000.00
7608000.00 8288000.00
- 9.61 131.84
44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49
44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49 44.49
download: file
source: original data: YPFB Bolivia, Santa Cruz de la Sierra
publications: Götze et al. (1989)
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: AG Gravimetrie (FU Berlin), grid interpolation method: Mundry, 1970 (weighted plane, weighted 1/r4, cutoff radius: infinite)
data: gridded Bouguer anomaly on land, Free Air on sea
geogr. location: longitude: from 77° to 62°W ; latitude: from 30° to 19°S
data type: grid data, grid size: 5000 x 5000 m
file format: ASCII- file
file size: ???
example from data file (projection: UTM (Hayford Ellipsoid, a=6378.137, 1/f=298.257 with meridian -69°)):
C ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
C BOUGUER ANOMALY on land, FA-Anomaly from Scripps data on sea
C April 1999 (contributed by Stefan Krause)
C ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
C (includes MIGRA, YPF, CINCA95, Sandwell and Fairhead/Leeds data,
C October 1998, S. Krause)
463 889
-0.6926000E+06 0.1620600E+07
0.3994000E+07 0.8438900E+07
-0.4389427E+03 0.1150000E+03
-0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21
-0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21
-0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21
download: file
source: gravity data described above (chapter incl. Scripps Inst. of Oceangraphy data offshore
publications: Götze, H.-J. et al. (1996), Götze, H.-J. et al. (1994), Götze, H.-J. et al. (1990), Kösters, M. et al. (accepted), Sandwell, D.T. & Schmidt, W.H.F. (1992), update included in the database Sep 97
data reduction, processing manipulation or analysis: standard processing, grid interpolation method: Mininimum Curvitare, interpolation radius: 100 km, clipped on land for missing data with station distance > 30km
data: gridded Bouguer anomaly on land, Free Air on sea
geogr. location: longitude: from 57° to 23°W ; latitude: from 89° to 32°S
data type: grid data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: ???
example from data file:
C Bouguer-Gravimetriegrid der Südlichen Anden, aus Daten von Araneda, dem YPF
C GEOREF-Schiffsdaten, Sandwell-Satellitenaltimetrie und Bouguer-
C gittern von Fairhead/Leeds. UTM-Projektion, geclippt mit 30km Radius um
C die Stationen, erstellt 11.1998 S. Krause
400 418
-0.7299900E+06 0.2885000E+07
0.3473100E+07 0.7249200E+07
-0.2422000E+03 0.1030163E+03
-0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21
-0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21
-0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21 -0.9999000E+21
download: file
source: AG Gravimetrie, FU Berlin