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Magnetotelluric Data


Magnetotellurical Stations of Central Andes

data: location (geogr. degree), name of MT station
geogr. location: longitude: from 71° to 63°W; latitude: from 25° to 19°S
data type: point data (244 data points)
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 4 kByte
example from data file:

C MT stations Central Andes, (G. Schwarz et al.), FU Berlin
C Number of stations: 119
1 1
-70.41501 -23.70501 'ANT'
-70.15101 -23.45730 'SIG'

download: file
source: Magnetotelluric stations: measured by AG MT, FU Berlin
publications: Schwarz et al., 1994, Echternacht et al. (1997), Schwarz & Krüger (1996)



MT Induction Arrows of Central Andes

data: location (geogr. degree), length of induction arrow, direction of induction arrow against North, name of site (note: preliminary results, except for period of 1000 sec (last update Aug. 1998, filename: pf1000s_98all.dat)
geogr. location: longitude: from 71° to 65°W, latitude: from 25° to 20°S
data type: point data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 57 KByte
example from data file (pf240_93.dat):

C Induction Arrows for the periode 240 sec.
C 1. and 2. column: X (W) and Y(S) geographical- coordinates
C 3. column: length of induction arrow
C 4. column: direction of induction arrow against North
C 5. site
C (convention: arrow points away from region with lower resistivity)
C index 1 real- part
1 1
-69.250000 -20.994440 0.503000 -114.500000 'CCO'
-68.643890 -21.986940 0.245000 -110.800003 'CON'
-68.962502 -20.334440 0.175000 -177.500000 'CRU'

download: file
source: Henri Brasse, MT working group, FU Berlin
publications: Schwarz et al., 1994, Krüger, 1994 (Diss.), Echternacht et al. (1997), Schwarz & Krüger (1996)


MT Induction Arrows of Central Andes

data: location (geogr. degree), length of induction arrow, direction of induction arrow against East (counter-clockwise), sites
geogr. location: longitude: from 70° to 66°W, latitude: from 21° to 19°S
data type: point data
file format: ASCII- file
file size: 17 kByte
example from data file (mt_arrows_*.dat):

C Induction Arrows for the periode 30 sec.
C index 1 real-part
C index 2 imaginary-part
C 1. and 2. column: X (W) and Y(S) geographical-coordinates
C 3. column: length of induction arrow
C 4. column: direction of induction arrow against East (counter-clockwise)
C 5. sites
C (convention: arrow points away from region with lower electrical resitivity)
C index 1 real-part
1 1
-69.2500 -20.9944 0.2749 -137.6688 'CCO'
-68.6439 -21.9869 0.5918 177.7241 'CON'
-68.9625 -20.3344 0.0828 -107.6621 'CRU'
-68.3911 -20.9967 0.3361 -139.9609 'EPU'
-68.8169 -21.4722 0.1398 -127.3667 'GUZ'

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source: W. Soyer, MT working group, FU Berlin
publications: Schwarz et al., 1994, Krüger, 1994 (Diss.), Echternacht et al. (1997), Schwarz & Krüger (1996)

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Stand: 19.12.2006